The Devron Platform

The Devron Platform

Instead of bringing mountains of data to the model, Devron brings the model to the data—training algorithms where the data resides. As a result, organizations can accelerate their data science efforts, unlock trapped insights, and realize better business outcomes.

Federated Data Science

Devron is a federated data science and machine platform that enables teams to build and train AI models on distributed, heterogeneous, and private data where it resides.

Deploy Across Clouds

Deploy Across Clouds

Devron is an easily deployable enterprise platform. Its flexible architecture allows users to implement across multiple accounts within the same cloud provider or across multi-cloud providers within your company or between different companies.

We offer flexible deployment models, including installing in our customer’s cloud environment, a Devron-hosted environment, or a hybrid of both, as well as on-premise. It’s also quick to deploy—fully operational in only a few hours.



Use a Devron-hosted cloud environment dedicated to your company.

Major Cloud Providers

Major Cloud Providers

Deploy inside VPCs on AWS, GCP, and Azure.



Deploy on-premise using your existing infrastructure.

How It Works

The Devron platform consists of two main components: a Control Center and one or more Satellites.

The Control Center is the client interface where data scientists can explore datasets, develop models, and run experiments.

Each Satellite is proximate to the data source and connects to a dataset in a read-only, privacy-preserving manner, training models developed and distributed from the Control Center.

As each satellite completes local model training, it sends model weights and artifacts back to the Control Center for aggregation. Raw data never transfers from the Satellites to the Control Center—only model metadata.

Devron How It Works

Client Interfaces

Devron offers two different user interfaces, depending on the level of data science sophistication, and a separate data owner interface for dataset provisioning and privacy control.

Devron Python SDK

Python SDK

Data Scientists & Machine Learning Engineers

Use a Notebook interface via our Python SDK for greater customization and control.

Devron Flow™


Business Analysts & Citizen Data Scientists

Devron Flow™, our low-code interface, provides a drag-and-drop model-building experience for non-technical users.

Devron Privacy Portal

Privacy Portal

Data Owners & Providers

Our Devron Privacy Portal allows data owners to specify custom privacy controls that the Devron system will enforce when engaging with that specific dataset.

Flexible APIs to enable a federated data science experience

With Devron’s SDK, developers can integrate their own proprietary enterprise warehouses and homegrown applications to build powerful federated machine learning applications.

Devron Benefits

Devron enables data science teams to realize enhanced outcomes, improved data science agility, and reduced overhead—all without moving or exposing data.

Realize Better Business Outcomes

Realize Better Business Outcomes

Unlock access to more data, including datasets containing PII and PHI.

Gain better insight by boosting model accuracy, generalizability, and reliability.

Gain Data Science Agility

Gain Data Science Agility

Bypass lengthy data movement and approvals processes.

Test data value hypotheses in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks.

Bypass Data Movement

Reduce Overhead & Risks

Reduce overhead of data movement, duplicate infrastructure, & ETL pipelines.

Lower cybersecurity risk and privacy leakage concerns.

Privacy as an Enabler

Preserve data privacy, staying compliant and secure—only sharing model learnings, not the data.

Reducing Friction Between Data Owners & Consumers to Create More Value from Data

Reducing Friction Between Data Owners & Consumers to Create More Value from Data

Devron has established a new AI and data science paradigm to help companies better realize the full potential of their data while setting a new standard for data privacy.

By putting data owners and producers in control of their data’s privacy, Devron allows business units, regional teams, customers, and partners to share data securely and privately.

At the same time, Devron allows data consumers to easily explore, transform, analyze, and model valuable datasets without ever seeing the underlying source information.

Built with Privacy & Security at the Core

Forged in the most data-sensitive environments of the Defense and Intelligence communities, Devron is designed to meet the strictest regulatory and compliance requirements, including GDPR and CCPA. Devron is also HIPAA and SOC2 Type 2 certified.

Additionally, the platform leverages a hybrid combination of privacy-enhancing technologies to ensure strong data privacy, including partially homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, synthetic data, differential privacy, and k-anonymity style measures.

The combination of these capabilities allows users to unlock previously-inaccessible datasets, shorten the time to access data, accelerate experimentation and time to insight, reduce the risk and overhead of moving data, and produce analytics of greater accuracy and effectiveness.

Built with Privacy & Security at the Core

API-Based Privacy

Return Results, Not Raw Data

Synthetic Data

Synthetic Data

Allows for exploratory data analysis without exposing raw data.

Multi-Dataset Alignment

Multi-Dataset Alignment

Privately map relevant PIIs between datasets.

Federated Querying

Federated Querying

Run queries against multiple siloed data sources without unifying the data.

Vertical Training

Vertical Training

Train models over vertically split (heterogeneous schema) data sources.

Privacy Technologies

Flexible for Multi-Layer Protection

Secure Multi-Party Computation

Secure Multi-Party Computation

Distributes a computation across multiple parties where no individual party can see the other parties’ data.

Partially Homomorphic Encryption

Partially Homomorphic Encryption

Aligns personally identifiable information across data sources.



Prevents privacy leakages from computation on small amounts of data.

Differential Privacy

Differential Privacy

Hides metadata information and statistics critical for effective data analytics.

Cryptographic Hash Functions

Cryptographic Hash Functions

Translates data of various lengths into a fixed size numerical string—the hash.


Fits Your Data Stack

Integrations: Cloud-Agnostic


Devron is cloud-agnostic and can be seamlessly run within your existing cloud environments, including AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Integrations: Integrates with Common Services

Integrates with Common Services

Devron integrates with common data lakes, warehouses, and data processors, including Snowflake and Databricks, and is compatible with common cloud services, such as Azure Synapse, BigQuery, Amazon RDS, and Amazon Redshift.

Integrations: Enhanced & Scalable

Enhanced & Scalable

Devron leverages Enterprise Cloud ML solutions to govern and manage jobs across multiple clouds for an enhanced and scalable federated ML experience.

Integrations: Developer Ergonomics

Developer Ergonomics

Our Python SDK provides developer ergonomics to integrate with all your favorite data science tools.